3D Printing Basics

Author: Max Bensryd


  • General Information
  • Build Volume
  • Layer Thickness
  • How to empty a print job
  • Available Build Materials
  • Available Reinforcing Materials
  • How to order a 3D-print job
  • Advanced tips

General Information

To order a print. Use the 3D-print Queue Folders in teams and follow the instructions later in this article.

The X7 & Onyx Pro utilizes the CFR (Continuous Fiber Reinforcement) 3D-printing technique. There is two 3D-printers available in the Swedish office and are located in the printer room on the 5th floor. 

A close-up of a machineDescription automatically generated

Markforged Onyx Pro

A grey object with a black object on topDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Markforged X7



Build Volume

The dimensions you can print is at maximum:

  • X7:
    1. Base plate: 330 mm x 270 mm
    2. Height: 200 mm
  • Onyx Pro:
    1. Base plate: 320 mm x 132 mm
    2. Height: 154 mm

Layer thickness

The printer can print in layers of: 

  • 50 μm (Only for the X7)
  • 100 μm
  • 150 μm
  • 200 μm
  • 250 μm (Turbo)

How to empty a print job

Available Build Materials

Onyx® - Nylon composite with micro carbon fiber. Tough, expensive & good surfaces.

  • Color:                     Black
  • Tensile Mod:        2400 MPa
  • Flex Mod:             3000 MPa
  • Yield:                    40 MPa

A black spool of filmDescription automatically generated

PLA - Polylactic Acid. Weaker & cheaper.

  • Color:                     White
  • Tensile Mod:         2300 MPa
  • Flex Mod:              2300 MPa
  • Yield:                    31 MPa

A spool of wire with a black backgroundDescription automatically generated

TPU 95A - Thermoplastic polyurethane. Rubber-like, impact absorbent & flexible.

  • Color:                     Black
  • Tensile Mod:        13-98 MPa (strain dependent)
  • Flex Mod:             90 MPa
  • Shore Hardness: 95 A

A close-up of a wire spoolDescription automatically generated

Available Reinforcing Materials (layers with continuous fibers)

  • Carbon Fiber (only with Onyx®)

How to order a 3D-print job

  • Find the queue folders in teams (or here: 3D-print Queue Folders).
  • Add your .STL-files to the corresponding folder.
  • Add your order in the excel with eventual demands (Print Queue Excel).
  • Send a message informing all the users of the splice software:
    1. Benjamin
    2. Bo
    3. Magnus
    4. Max

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

The Print Queue Excel comes with columns for relevant settings. If your print requires it, you can demand special settings to be used instead of the default ones. All of them have explanations included in the pop-up notes:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated


To see “Advanced tips & tricks” check out this article.