
Label types:

  • Product label
  • Machine label
  • Packaging label
  • Warning label
  • FlexLink logo label

Product label

Products, unless a machine, shall be marked with a product label. For more information of selection and location, see document 510135.

The product label shall be included in the BOM of the product and its location documented, see Notes for assembly drawings and Balloons.

Machine label

A machine shall according to law carry a machine marking which contains regulated information. Document 6759460 contains information of available machine labels and how to implement them.


  • The machine label shall be included in the BOM of the machine item.
  • The label’s location shall be documented, see Notes for assembly drawings and Balloons.
  • The location shall be expressed in the machine’s user/assembly instruction.

Product package label

The packaging shall be marked with a packaging label. For more information, see document 510135. It specifies which label to use and the location.

The product package label shall not be included in the BOM of the product.

Warning label

Warning labels are items.


  • Warning labels shall contain symbols/pictograms.
  • IEC/EN-symbols/pictograms shall be used if existing.
  • Self-designed symbols/pictograms can be used if explained in the manual of the product.
  • Text must be avoided since it requires translation into each local language of every country where the product is used.


  • The label shall be included in the BOM of the main item.
  • The label’s location shall be documented, see Notes for assembly drawings and Balloons.
  • The location shall be expressed in the machine’s user/assembly instruction’s Safety chapter.

The PLM-system contains several warning signs. There is at time being no portfolio of standardized warning labels (2020 August).

FlexLink logo label

List of logo labels:

  • 2701800864 (500x180mm)
  • 2701800865 (250x90mm)