New Articles

  1. How to update items in Coral

    General info Toolbound items and some machined are made on FlexLink drawings and 3D files. BC drawing shall be attached as a ”Related document”. All other items (cut beams, slide rails, assemblies etc) are made on BC drawings. In some cases a 3D ...
  2. Maintenance for customer specific items

    Customers: JJS/Ocado Zollner/Beckman Coulter To be added. ...
  3. JJS/Ocado

    How to update items for JJS/Ocado in Coral & SAP Coral: All updates in Coral should be done according to the normal FlexLink standard rules but JJS/Ocado drawing number and revision should be updated in the Description field. If a beam length ...
  4. Hygienic Design

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  5. Sales Items

    If a part or an assembly is a sales item there are a few things to keep track of. The item should be marked with the product designation, either directly on the assembly/part or by using a Label . What method to use for marking the item is decieded...
  6. Labels

    Label types: Product label Machine label Packaging label Warning label FlexLink logo label Product label Products, unless a machine, shall be marked with a product label. For more information of selection and location, see document 510...
  7. Designers Handbook

    In this category you can find guidelines and instructions for Designing FlexLink products. FlexLink Standards Guidelines and information...
  8. Design Guidelines

    In this category you can find guidelines on how to make a FlexLink design.  Design for Assembly Design for Assembly (DFA). How to create ...
  9. Design checklist

    Use this checklist as help to cover necessary information when designing an item. Go through the list before initiating the internal preparation workflow. The internal preparation shall be in a general level and does not include examination of the ...
  10. FlexLink Standards

    In this category you can find guidelines and information about how we work and what standards we use at FlexLink.  Part How to c...